How can we reduce litter from events and make waste management (plastics, unsold inventory, and/or other types of waste) more circular in and outside of the stadium and/or amateur clubs?
Increasing our circularity is one of our main sustainability program goals. We are committed to reducing the waste produced by professional and amateur football events through recycling, adoption of new materials and overall reduction in our carbon footprint. This includes the reduction of litter in and around the stadiums and grassroots football clubs, making sure that trash ends up in the right waste stream . Our ultimate goal is to make our stadiums and clubs as waste-free as possible, reusing and recycling as much as possible, and with that diminishing the use of plastics.
What are we looking for?
Solutions must have measurable impact on the carbon or material footprint of the football industry. Solutions aimed at reducing litter could for instance focus on communication with fans about solving the issue. Solutions aimed at improving waste stream circularity could focus on solving the use of single-use plastics, and the use of same-type plastics over multiple types of plastic. Also, material replacement solutions should include a well-defined vision on how they make football events more sustainable.
Solutions could use different types of channels and devices that are available. We are looking for solutions that can be implemented in the short-medium term, and are mature, proven, and scalable, but allow for further co-creation.
Issues to consider
– Solutions must be tangible, measurable and create shared value for all stakeholders
– Time-to-implement is preferably the short-medium term
– All solutions must be compliant with GDPR
– Solutions must be possible to integrate within existing web- and mobile applications
– Cost efficiency (set-up costs as well as ongoing costs) is key to enable implementation of the solution for a broader range of (professional) clubs and leagues
What we are not looking for
- We are not looking for solutions based on sorting waste after collection
- We are not looking for solutions that do not allow for further co-development
Key words: circular economy, zero waste, waste streams, plastic, carbon footprint reduction, smart solutions in waste reduction, whole value chain